1 Laguiole steakknife handcrafted in France, filework done by hand, 2 stainless steel bolsters, delivered in a wooden box
scales Olivewood,
knife lenght 23,5 cm, blade steel 12C27 Sandvik stainless, shinyweight 90 Gramm
not suitable for the dishwasher100% made in France
Set of 2 pieces, 4 pieces or 6 pieces Laguiole steak knives, handcrafted in France, filework done by hand, 2 stainless steel bolsters, delivered in a wooden box
scales Olivewood, bolsters mat
knife lenght 23,5 cm, blade steel 12C27 Sandvik stainless, shinyweight 90 Gramm
not suitable for the dishwasher100% made in France
Available immediately, delivery time: 1-3 working days **
Set of 2 pieces, 4 pieces or 6 pieces Laguiole steak knives, handcrafted in France, filework done by hand, 2 stainless steel bolsters, delivered in a wooden box
scales Juniper, bolsters mat
knife lenght 23,5 cm, blade steel 12C27 Sandvik stainless, shinyweight 90 Gramm
not suitable for the dishwasher100% made in France
Available immediately, delivery time: 1-3 working days **
1 Laguiole steakknife handcrafted in France, filework done by hand, 2 stainless steel bolsters, delivered in a wooden box
scales Olivewood,
knife lenght 23,5 cm, blade steel 12C27 Sandvik stainless, shinyweight 90 Gramm
not suitable for the dishwasher100% made in France
Set of 1 pieces Laguiole double plate steak knives, brass plates, handcrafted in France, filework done by hand, 2 stainless steel bolsters, delivered in a wooden box
scales Juniper, bolsters mat
knife lenght 23,5 cm, blade steel 12C27 Sandvik stainless, shinyweight 110 Gramm
not suitable for the dishwasher100% made in France
Available immediately, delivery time: 1-3 working days **
Set of 6 pieces Laguiole steakknives, fitting to the Laguiole steakforks, handcrafted in France, stainless steel mat
lenght 23 cm, weight 154 g100% made in France
Available immediately, delivery time: 1-3 working days **
Set of 2 pieces, 4 pieces or 6 pieces Laguiole steak knives, handcrafted in France, filework done by hand, 2 stainless steel bolsters, delivered in a wooden box
scales buffalo horn, bolsters shiny
knife lenght 23,5 cm, blade steel 12C27 Sandvik stainless, shinyweight 90 Gramm
not suitable for the dishwasher100% made in France
Available immediately, delivery time: 1-3 working days **
1 Laguiole steakknife handcrafted in France, filework done by hand, 2 stainless steel bolsters, delivered in a wooden box
scales juniper
knife lenght 23,5 cm, blade steel 12C27 Sandvik stainless, shinyweight 90 Gramm
not suitable for the dishwasher100% made in France
Set of 2 pieces, 4 pieces or 6 pieces Laguiole steak knives, handcrafted in France, filework done by hand, 2 stainless steel bolsters, delivered in a wooden box
scales thermo ashwood, bolsters mat
knife lenght 23,5 cm, blade steel 12C27 Sandvik stainless, matweight 90 Gramm
suitable for the dishwasher100% made in France
Available immediately, delivery time: 1-3 working days **
1 Laguiole steakknife handcrafted in France, filework done by hand, 2 stainless steel bolsters, delivered in a wooden box
scales juniper shiny
knife lenght 23,5 cm, blade steel 12C27 Sandvik stainless, shinyweight 90 Gramm
not suitable for the dishwasher100% made in France
Available immediately, delivery time: 1-3 working days **
2-teiliges, 4-teiliges oder 6-teiliges Laguiole Steakmesser Set fossile Mooreiche
Exklusives hochwertiges Laguiole Steak-/Tafelmesser-Set handgefertigt ind er Schmiede von Laguiole en Aubrac/Frankreich
Genau wie die legendären Laguiole-Taschenmesser werden auch diese stilvollen Steak-Messer in vielen Arbeitsschritten in liebevoller Handarbeit hergestellt. Sie werden von Hand verziert und mit der obligatorischen Biene geschmückt. Das Hirtenkreuz ziert den Messergriff.Die Griffschalen wurden aus fossiler Mooreiche gefertigt. Die Mooreiche selbst ist keine eigene Holzart, vielmehr handelt es sich um Eichenstämme, welche über Jahrhunderte in Mooren und Sümpfen gelegen haben. Beim Trockenlegen dieser Gebiete werden diese Stämme gefunden. Die Gerbsäure des Eichenholzes geht mit den Eisensalzen des Wassers eine Verbindung ein, wodurch das Holz sehr hart wird. Zum Teil werden Stämme bis zu 20 m Länge gefunden. Das Alter der fossilen Eichen liegt zwischen 600 und 8500 Jahren.
Die Farbe des von Laguiole en Aubrac ausgewählten Holzes ist ein tiefes sattes dunkelbraun mit schöner Struktur. Das Finish des Griffes und der Backen ist matt. Laguiole-Besteck dürfte Ihnen in der gehobenen Gastronomie sicherlich des Öfteren begegnen. Die Messer dürfen nur von Hand gereinigt werden, was in Anbetracht der herrlichen Haptik und Optik sicher ein Vergnügen sein wird. Geliefert werden die Messer in einer schönen Holzbox.
Set of 6, 4 or 2 pieces Laguiole steak knives, handcrafted in France, filework done by hand, 2 matt brass bolsters, delivered in a wooden box
scales bog oakknife lenght 23,5 cm, blade steel 12C27 Sandvik stainless, shinybrass platines, brass bolstersweight 90 Gramm
not suitable for the dishwasher100% made in France
Available immediately, delivery time: 1-3 working days **
Set of 2 pieces, 4 pieces or 6 pieces Laguiole steak knives, handcrafted in France, filework done by hand, 2 stainless steel bolsters, delivered in a wooden box
scales Juniper, bolsters shiny
knife lenght 23,5 cm, blade steel 12C27 Sandvik stainless, shinyweight 90 Gramm
not suitable for the dishwasher100% made in France
Available immediately, delivery time: 1-3 working days **
Set of 2 pieces, 4 pieces or 6 pieces Laguiole steak knives, handcrafted in France, filework done by hand, 2 stainless steel bolsters, delivered in a wooden box
scales Ebony, bolsters shiny
knife lenght 23,5 cm, blade steel 12C27 Sandvik stainless, shinyweight 90 Gramm
not suitable for the dishwasher100% made in France
Available immediately, delivery time: 1-3 working days **
Set of 6 pieces Laguiole steak knives, handcrafted in France, filework done by hand, 2 stainless steel bolsters, delivered in a wooden box
scales mixed wood, bolsters mat
knife lenght 23,5 cm, blade steel 12C27 Sandvik stainless, shinyweight 90 Gramm
not suitable for the dishwasher100% made in France
1 Laguiole steakknife handcrafted in France, filework done by hand, 2 stainless steel bolsters, delivered in a wooden box
scales buffalo horn
knife lenght 23,5 cm, blade steel 12C27 Sandvik stainless, shinyweight 90 Gramm
not suitable for the dishwasher100% made in France
Available immediately, delivery time: 1-3 working days **
Set of 6 pieces Laguiole steak knives, handcrafted in France, filework done by hand, 2 stainless steel bolsters, delivered in a wooden box
scales mixed Pakawood, bolsters mat
knife lenght 23,5 cm, blade steel 12C27 Sandvik stainless, matweight 90 Gramm
suitable for the dishwasher100% made in France
Available immediately, delivery time: 1-3 working days **
Set of 4 or 6 pieces Laguiole steak knives, handcrafted in France, filework done by hand, 2 stainless steel bolsters, delivered in a wooden box
scales pistachio wood, bolsters mat
knife lenght 23,5 cm, blade steel 12C27 Sandvik stainless, shinyweight 90 Gramm
not suitable for the dishwasher100% made in France
Available immediately, delivery time: 1-3 working days **
Set of 2 pieces Laguiole double plate steak knives, brass plates, handcrafted in France, filework done by hand, 2 stainless steel bolsters, delivered in a wooden box
scales Bogwood, bolsters mat
knife lenght 23,5 cm, blade steel 12C27 Sandvik stainless, shinyweight 110 Gramm
not suitable for the dishwasher100% made in France
Available immediately, delivery time: 1-3 working days **
4-teiliges oder 6-teiliges Laguiole Steakmesser Set aus fein gemasertem Platanen Holz
Exklusives hochwertiges Laguiole Steak-/Tafelmesser-Set handgefertigt in der Schmiede von Laguiole en Aubrac/Frankreich mit Griffschalen aus Platane. Das Holz lässt sich sehr gut bearbeiten und findet auch bevorzugt als Furnier- oder Drechslerholz Verwendung. Die Textur erscheint leicht dreidimensional und wirkt sehr elegant und ruhig. Der Farbton ist ein warmes Braun.
Genau wie die legendären Laguiole-Taschenmesser werden auch diese stilvollen Steak-Messer in vielen Arbeitsschritten in liebevoller Handarbeit hergestellt. Sie werden von Hand verziert und mit der obligatorischen Biene geschmückt. Die Messer dürfen nur von Hand gereinigt werden, was in Anbetracht der herrlichen Haptik und Optik sicher ein Vergnügen sein wird. Geliefert werden die Messer in einer schönen Holzbox.
Available immediately, delivery time: 1-3 working days **
Set of 2 pieces Laguiole steak knives, handcarved plates, handcarved bee, handcrafted in France, filework done by hand, 2 stainless steel bolsters, delivered in a wooden box
scales juniper wood bolsters mat
knife lenght 23,5 cm, blade steel VG10 stainless, shinyweight 96 rammhandcarved bee and platesnot suitable for the dishwasher100% made in France
Available immediately, delivery time: 1-3 working days **
Set of 2 pieces or 4 pieces Laguiole double plate steak knives, brass plates, handcrafted in France, filework done by hand, 2 stainless steel bolsters, delivered in a wooden box
scales Ebony, bolsters mat
knife lenght 23,5 cm, blade steel 12C27 Sandvik stainless, shinyweight 110 Gramm
not suitable for the dishwasher100% made in France
Available immediately, delivery time: 1-3 working days **
Set of 6 pieces Laguiole steak knives, handcrafted in France, filework done by hand, 2 stainless steel bolsters, delivered in a wooden box
scales european woods, bolsters mat
knife lenght 23,5 cm, blade steel 12C27 Sandvik stainless, shinyweight 90 Gramm
not suitable for the dishwasher100% made in France
Available immediately, delivery time: 1-3 working days **
Set of 6 pieces Laguiole steakknives, fitting to the Laguiole steakforks, handcrafted in France, stainless steel shiny
lenght 23 cm, weight 132 gsteel: DIN X 55 Cr Mo 14100% made in France
Available immediately, delivery time: 1-3 working days **