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Saladini Käsemesser Set 5-teilig Hölzer gemischt

handgefertigtes fünf-teiliges Käsemesser mit massiv gearbeiteten Holzgriffen in verschiedenen Hölzern Diese sorgen für eine besonders schönen Optik. Die unterschiedlichen Hölzer sind Eiche/Wenge/Padouk/Olive/Buchsbaum

für jede Käseart das richtige Messer - dieses fünf-teilige Set vereint das kleine Hartkäsemesser, kleines Weichkäsemesser, kleines Käsemesser Buttermesser und Parmesangabel in einem Set. Handgefertigt in der Schmiede SALADINI in SCARPERIA (Toskana) Die Klingen bestehen aus scharf auszuschleifendem 420C mit einer Härte von 56/57 HRC. Geliefert wird das hübsche Set in einer stilvollen Holzbox.

Finish: mat
blade steel: stainless steel
handle material: wood


Saladini is based in Scarperia, a small town in Tuscany about 20 kilometres from Florence. Its landmark is the Palazzo Pretorio in Scarperia, with its striking tower. 

Scarperia was founded on 8 September 1306 and its special feature is the old tradition of knife making, or rather ‘cutting iron’, as these objects used to be called in the old days. 

Saladini wants to preserve this ancient tradition of handcrafting pocket knives, cutlery and chef's knives. Everything is made with the care and attention that objects created with love and dedication deserve. 


Coltelaria SALADINI, Via Solferino 19, 50038 Scarperia, Italy

Note: As this item is a handmade, unique piece made from a natural product, there may be differences between the product images shown and the goods delivered.